Sehversuche | Trying to see
Ein von anderen bewohntes Haus
A hard time at the ticket office
Motorcycle noise in desolate China
Meine Mutter war eine Terroristin
Freund, schmutziges Wort
Fighting the knot prose
From on high prose
Mutters Antwort prosa
Frösche und Wasser prosa
ABC des Nasenwahns prosa
Ich treffe den Wiedergaenger wieder
audio: Ich treffe den Wiedergaenger wieder
Schwieriger Verkauf einer Immobilie
The bright appraisers
audio: The bright appraisers
Großvater Paradoxon
audio: Großvater Paradoxon
Harte Arbeit
audio: Harte Arbeit
Feueropfer mit Führer
audio: Feueropfer mit Führer
Dissociation Instructions
audio: Dissociation Instructions
Weil ihr mich nicht hört, spreche ich leise
audio: Weil ihr mich nicht hört, spreche ich leise
The black receiver in my grandfather's house
audio: The black receiver in my grandfather's house
A child works perfectly as a mirror of lust
How can I get rid of the juice?
audio: How can I get rid of the juice?
Grandmother, mother and I
audio: Grandmother, mother and I
The drivelling dead
audio: The drivelling dead
Die Löschung
audio: Die Löschung
Voyage to the moon in three parts
The lying fly
audio: The lying fly
2006 - 2005
Mother and son
audio: Mother and son
Betrayer, my opposite number
audio: Betrayer, my opposite number
Die ungeahnte Schwierigkeit sprechen zu lernen
Nightmare instructions
audio: Nightmare instructions
2003 -2000
Das Außerirdische tötet prosa
Eine Blumentopfbesatzung trifft auf Mars den .... sprechenden Bären prosa
kellnerinnen prosa
der rennleiter erkrankt prosa
Stop moving and I will consider you dead prose
weichtiere auf der rennbahn prosa
Die Bewegung von Ich zu Ich ist unmöglich
audio: Identitäten
Hure identifiziert
audio: Hure identifiziert
1997 - 95
der Stachel
audio: der Stachel
Männer und Enten prosa
Kein Platz. Zu spät Ersehne Einen Platz Im Kreis meiner Lieben Gehe Auf der Suche nach einem Stuhl In der Nacht um das Haus Sehe Sie durch ein Loch in der Mauer Im Licht ohne mich leben Fürchte Ihre Vorwürfe Ich komme zu spät 2013-10-04 |
A Toddler with Attitude Vibrations of no good kind have somehow come to me. I cannot tell what happened, I have no memory, my brainpan pulsing, empty, I - overstrained myself? Then dimly I remember that someone said something. I only know 'delusion' was one expression used. It must have been: they warn me not to delude myself that I might be a person - I suddenly feel hot - but they just want to help me to face reality. I still vibrate with something - a hopeful image looms: a grinning skull, in two parts, cleft by a silvery blade, some brain sprays out to hit me and I realize that fear of this attack had dulled my memory, has held the fury back. A great hilarious barking explodes the company, it's roaring, shrieking, gasping: A toddler! - With attitude?! 2006-12 - 2007-02 |
I wonder how my uncle died My mother's younger brother, at 17, training to be a pilot, died in a plane crash, they told me. It was to be expected as, at the end of the war, everything was breaking. Later I couldn't but wonder whether, as he wasn't shot down, his fall wasn't connected to my grandfather having done the same things already to him. 2008-09-15 |
Swept along He held me fast in a joyous dance I didn't know the steps Swept along in an ice-cold stream A dotard put me under A suit on a hanger Built a ludicrous case No one listened to me 2013-09-30 |
good god not good, god isn't, belief isn't to be believed just is, or isn't |
© Anthony Thwaites