Sehversuche | Trying to see
Ein von anderen bewohntes Haus
A hard time at the ticket office
Motorcycle noise in desolate China
Meine Mutter war eine Terroristin
Freund, schmutziges Wort
Fighting the knot prose
From on high prose
Mutters Antwort prosa
Frösche und Wasser prosa
ABC des Nasenwahns prosa
Ich treffe den Wiedergaenger wieder audio: Ich treffe den Wiedergaenger wieder
Schwieriger Verkauf einer Immobilie
The bright appraisers audio: The bright appraisers
Großvater Paradoxon audio: Großvater Paradoxon
Harte Arbeit audio: Harte Arbeit
Feueropfer mit Führer audio: Feueropfer mit Führer
Dissociation Instructions audio: Dissociation Instructions
Weil ihr mich nicht hört, spreche ich leise audio: Weil ihr mich nicht hört, spreche ich leise
The black receiver in my grandfather's house audio: The black receiver in my grandfather's house
A child works perfectly as a mirror of lust
How can I get rid of the juice? audio: How can I get rid of the juice?
Grandmother, mother and I audio: Grandmother, mother and I
The drivelling dead audio: The drivelling dead
Die Löschung audio: Die Löschung
Voyage to the moon in three parts
The lying fly audio: The lying fly
2006 - 2005
Mother and son audio: Mother and son
Betrayer, my opposite number audio: Betrayer, my opposite number
Die ungeahnte Schwierigkeit sprechen zu lernen
Nightmare instructions audio: Nightmare instructions
2003 -2000
Das Außerirdische tötet prosa
Eine Blumentopfbesatzung trifft auf Mars den .... sprechenden Bären prosa
kellnerinnen prosa
der rennleiter erkrankt prosa
Stop moving and I will consider you dead prose
weichtiere auf der rennbahn prosa
Die Bewegung von Ich zu Ich ist unmöglich
Identitäten audio: Identitäten
Hure identifiziert audio: Hure identifiziert
1997 - 95
der Stachel audio: der Stachel
Männer und Enten prosa
Weil ihr mich nicht hört, spreche ich leise Lächerlich, unanständig, befremdlich ist's sich zu erinnern, da die Vergangenheit doch umgeschrieben wurde. Die Gegenwart wankt. 2008-04-28 |
the drivelling dead Two membraneous, stinking swamps pour their sweatings into me. The level rises up and up, I'm drowning in their voices. Then suddenly I speak too loud, reminded I exist. And he and she live burping bosh in me. 2007-11-05 |
Pricked When I went into the video store and the girl said two fifty, I said: But I've already paid! Yes, for yesterday. But, do you mean that one has to return it on the same day? Yes, she said, and added that her colleague told me of course. He told me nothing! Yes, he told me of course. But you weren't even there! I had started to shout, but she knew her colleague, he told me of course. He told me nothing! And a speck of foam from my lips settled on her bust, the shelves reeled and my hand came - while with strange clarity I saw a great horn ramming her body through - down on the counter with a magnificent slap. You needn't spit at me. It wasn't intentional!, I bellowed. 2003-12 |
Schlechtes Gedicht Großmama im Ehebett hat sich gern an mir gerieben es dann mit Großvater getrieben das steht nicht geschrieben nur dass sie mich so lieben 2013-06-15 |
Grandmother, mother - and I A couple of broads smile - Lords! -, it's me, who boards at their table. Two is ever their number - Lords! - ladies they are to me. Mother and daughter, caught, bought, sold I am to them. I love them, I love them, the younger one is ever the girl of my dreams. The older one sells her - no: sells me - to brigands who lurk in the darkness around. That is what has me so frightened, so frightened: Ladies, don't leave me alone! They do, they do leave me - my dreams are coming so true, so true. 2007-12-11 |
© Anthony Thwaites